Friday, March 6, 2009

Elecrical Load Demand, World’s dams and Worldwide Earthquakes

Elecrical Load Demand, World’s dams and Worldwide Earthquakes

R. Ashok Kumar,B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal,299,Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© Copyright 2013 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
3 March 2009

Together with the evidence presented in
the evidence shown here constitutes unequivocal proof that the dams of the world are causing earthquakes worldwide. See Figure DEC65 below:

The deterministic correlations of Electrical Load with Annual added Dam Capacity and Mean Daily Seismic Moment show that electrical load is the persistent cause of worldwide earthquakes apart from rainfall and agricultural drawdown in due seasons as shown conclusively in
It is well known that the electric grid depends heavily upon hydro power for meeting sudden load changes. And earthquakes follow deterministically worldwide. These are due to surge waves of bending moments and forces applied at faults consequent to pressure head changes of 100 km/sec or more at the centres of gravity of water masses behind dams in the various regions of the world with heavy dam capacities.

The above Figure DEC65 has been derived from data from the following sources:
1.USGS earthquake search for significant earthquakes -2150 to 2007
2. Data on Dams of the World, Capacity MM3 and year of commissioning from
Impact of Artificial Reservoir Water Impoundment on Global Sea Level
B. F. Chao,* Y. H. Wu, Y. S. Li
Published 13 March 2008 on Science Express
DOI: 10.1126/science.1154580
3. Data on typical electrical load demand from

Friday, January 2, 2009

The World's dams cause earthquakes worldwide

Eleven haikus-1882008
© 2013-2019 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


The world's dams cause quakes
Rains cause them in due seasons
PAI in dry seasons

High surges of heads
At centers of gravity
Fault sides rub, rocks melt

Sudden slips and huge shakes
Gobbling communities whole

Heat, hurricanes,floods
Landslides, embankment breaches
Kosi C to \

The quakes made KOCI
Jump the C and spring down \
Floods six score kims east

Force Kosi to gravitate
Wound back to KOCI

Herstory repeats
They dont know that they dont know
So sleepers wake up!

He who knows not and
Knows not that he knows not is
A fool, please shun him

He who knows not and
Knows that he knows not is a
Child-please do teach him

He who knows and knows
Not that he knows, is asleep
Please do wake him up

He who knows and knows
That he knows, is a wise man
Please do follow him.

The Kosi: suggestions for a solution to the problem:Harmony with nature ensures true development. The tree(arboreal!) is an infinitely superior version of the dam! Modern Civilisation's greed is the cause of population(human) explosion. See
One must stop destructive development which is the order of the day. No one has the right to destroy trees, forests even for a good reason. To suggest that one is going back instead of progressing because of the tree grow advice is deep ignorance about fundamental physiological properties of the tree which are infinitely superior to the manmadedam helpless against gravity.There is a proverb which is oft quoted in connection assertions of specialists that this or that is the way. Or that this or that is sensational. Its like seeing only the tail of the elephant and coming to a cocksure conclusion, that the dam as conceived by the usual engineering specialist is the solution, small or large. The citizen faced with such a situation finds himself between the devil-the dam and the deep blue sea- the tsunami bringer. So the citizen independently asseses the situation by building up knowledge, also by own research. Thus the set of haikus above was composed.
below for an analysis of the Kosi disaster of August 2008 and solution to the problem via worldwide reforestation.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dams on the Indian Subcontinent and Kosi River Shifts

A Comparative Study of Data on Earthquakes in the 60-80 and 80-100 Longitude Bands during Pre-Dam and Dam Eras and Connection with the Kosi River Shifts.
R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist,Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
Copyright © 2013 by Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
Date 19 th September 2008
1. Kosi embanknment breaches and massive eastward shift of 120 kms may have been caused by surges of oscillations of massive uplift in the monsoon and a more massive subsidence in the dry season with a net subsidence in the 80-100 longitude band during the dam era in general and during the past two hydrological years in particular. Study of the earthquake data for 4000 years from -2150 BC to 1949 establishes that there is a net uplift in the pre-dam era in this longitude band forcing Kosi’s westward shifts. During 1950-2007 however there is a net subsidence from monsoon to dry season, but this alternating massive uplift and even more massive subsidence between the seasons puts any structure in the path of the ruptures to crumble. Thus it is reasonable to conclude that the significant alternating surge waves of earthquakes caused by dams on the subcontinent have resulted in Kosi’s massive eastward shifts crumbling any embankments or barrages with loads of silt and water moment changes caused by the great monsoon and the subsequent withdrawals of water for consumptive use. See Figure KOSI. The Table DIS below gives the relevant geophysical and reservoir data. It is to be noted that no such alternations of uplift and subsidence -monsoon to dry season- with a net subsidence is observed in the 100-120 longitude band, even though there is a subsidence in the dry season much less than the uplift in the monsoon. Thus the solution seems to be not dams or embankments but reforestation of the globe and these basins in particular on a war footing. See in connection with reforestation the URL:

Figure DisMH depicts the displacement at the mean hypocentre of the earthquakes in the longitude band 80-100 for each hydrological year between 1 June 1973 to 31 May 2008 and from 1 June 2008 to the last data as of 15th September 2008. Notice the massive 570m subsidence for 2003-04 caused by the 26th December 2004 Andaman Sumatra Great Earthquake of 9.1-9.3 MM and the subsidence persisted at 74 m till 15th September 2008 at the mean hypocentre(16,93.28) when the last data was obtained for this study. Thus the eastward slope in the Kosi basin in particular and of probably of the subcontinent itself as a whole happened from this date. The catastrophe of the massive 120 km shift eastward of Kosi was waiting to happen since! The massive subsidence initiated by the 20th February 2008 7.5MM Major Earthquake at its hypocentre at (2.77,95.96,26km), the 25th February 2008 7.3MM major quake at its hypocentre at (-2.47,99.97,25km) ,20th March 2008 7.2 MM Xinjiang-Xizang Border major earthquake at hypocentre (35.49,81.47,12km), 12th May 2008 Sichuan Earthquake at hypocentre (31,103,10km) and the uplift caused by the 5th August 2008
6 MM earthquake also at almost the same location as the Sichuan quake:

and the ½ km uplift contributed by the 6.8 MM earthquake at Western Xizang at hypocenter (30.89,83.47,12) close to Barakshetra on 25th August 2008 were alternating displacements too much for the embankments and the underlying rocks at locations 26.85,87.15 to 26.72,87.06 to bear. From the relative displacements in 1981 and 1984, it can be inferred that they also contributed to the breaches of the embankments in those years. The Press release of the Barh Mukti Abhiyan(Ref 5) brings out an unprecedented three times increase in the food prone area since 1950:
The team is outraged to report that the government's investment
of over Rs 1600 crores since the early 1950's has helped increase the
flood prone area from 25 lakh hectare during the pre-plan era to over
68.8 lakh hectare today, an unprecedented three-fold increase.
Proposed as temporary measure to control floods in the 1950s and
having had failed on all fronts, the team is bewildered to note that
the business of embankment construction has resumed after a lapse of
17 years with a Rs 792 crores package to tame the Bagmati. There is
another proposal to embank the tributaries of Mahananda at an
estimated cost of Rs 850 crores. Clearly, the lessons in human misery
have not been learnt.

The India subcontinent dams are the cause of the catastrophic effect of the shifts in hypocenters in the two longitude bands 60-80 and 80-100 from the pre-dam era to the dam era. This is because whenever an earthquake occurs, the full force of the cumulative archimedean lever effect of the changes in the contents of all the dams is applied at this one hypocentre. The effect is a massive reversal in tilt between the pre-dam and dam eras between the two longitude bands and consequent unprecedented three times increase in the flood prone area from the pre-dam era to the dam era on the subcontinent. See Table EDTF. See also the massive difference in the displacements of the hypocentres during the dam era in the two longitude bands(Fig ST7308):

1. Ashok Kumar,R. 2004. Earthquakes Caused by Dams in
2. Ashok Kumar,R. 2005. Predicting Earthquakes in
3. Ashok Kumar, R. 2008. Dams, Earthquakes, Cyclones Interconnected in
4. Press Release of Barh Mukti Abhiyan, Patna: Waterwatch digest No 1284, March